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D2.1.Protecting Places of Worship in Europe: A Review of Literature and Future Research Trends

The report intends to map the existing literature, identifying key points for research and policy thinking in relation to the security of places of worship across Europe. It is configured as a valuable resource for policymakers, religious leaders, and community members interested in promoting religious harmony, tolerance, and the security of PoWs.

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D4.1 - Training Programs and Modules

The Protone training modules aimed to introduce key concepts and practices to project stakeholders, faith leaders,
heads of places of worship and worshippers. Furthermore, the training aimed to introduce participants to working
definitions, concepts, and risk assessment manuals, and find a common approach to furthering collaboration with
faith leaders, practitioners, civil society organisations and researchers on matters related to protective security at
places of worship.

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D2.3 Field Report

Leiden University conducted fieldwork between 5 October 2023 and 15 April 2024 in Belgium, Germany, Italy, and Spain. This phase was preceded by obtaining clearance from Leiden University's Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Research Ethics Committee and piloting in September 2023.

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D2.4 - Research Report

This report summarizes the research findings of the Protone project conducted by Leiden University on the protection of places of worship (PoWs) in Europe, focusing on Belgium, Germany, Italy, and Spain.
The study examines PoWs in discussions of race, religious identity, and societal integration, with an emphasis on security needs and the impact of security technology on religious practice.

Milan's Cathedral

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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