Intercultural Dialogue Platform (IDP) is a Brussels based non-profit civil society organisation, aiming at mutual understanding and harmonious interaction among people of different cultural backgrounds. Dialogue Platform, moreover, fosters debate and analysis on various issues concerning a peaceful and respectful coexistence in European societies. Thus, it aims to make practical contributions to the decision-making processes on relevant developments and issues impacting community relations in Europe.

Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of the leading international research universities in Europe. The University has seven faculties and a campus in both Leiden and The Hague.

ARCO FORUM is a Spanish non-profit organisation whose aim is to promote cooperation, tolerance, respect and intercultural and interreligious development through the establishment of genuine channels of communication and understanding with different cultures. Following this main objective, the association seeks to promote peace in the world and to contribute to a peaceful coexistence between different cultures, ethnicities, religions and races.

The House of One is the product of a grassroots group of three religious communities. The initial idea came from the protestant church community St. Petri-St. Marien which then joined forces with the Jewish community of Berlin, together with the rabbinical seminary Abraham-Geiger-Kolleg, and the Muslim initiative for dialogue Forum Dialog e.V…

Fedactio (Federation of Active Associations in Belgium) is an umbrella organisation, with active member associations across the whole of Belgium. Together we want to encourage all citizens to actively participate in society and we strive, amongst others, for a more democratic and inclusive society.

Istituto Tevere is a dialogue centre, founded in Rome in 2007 to promote dialogue, intercultural and interreligious studies, and to create opportunities for people with different cultural and religious backgrounds of all philosophical persuasions to meet. Istituto Tevere also conducts research in various areas of relevant interest, such as human rights, democracy, religious pluralism and multiculturalism.

Religions for Peace is an international coalition of representatives from the world's religions dedicated to promoting peace founded in 1970. The International Secretariat headquarters is in New York City, with regional conferences in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa and the Americas.

The Dialogue and Education Foundation is a foundation which provides impulses for strengthening intercultural dialogue and for new educational concepts in Germany that are geared towards social participation. The aim is to enter into dialogue with representatives from society, politics and business.